Jewish Thought

Jewish War & Peace 101

Jewish tradition takes it for granted that war is an inevitable part of human existence.

Eco-Kashrut: Standards for What and How We Eat

Incorporating environmental concerns into to the Jewish dietary laws.

Is There A Jewish Work Ethic?

In traditional Judaism, work is regarded as necessary — and better than idleness — but is not an intrinsic good.

Eco-Judaism: Renewing Tu Bishvat

A contemporary form of Judaism that focuses on our relationship with the environment and expands the focus of Tu Bishvat.

When Bad Things Happen to Good People

Suffering is meaningless unless you decide otherwise.

Abraham Joshua Heschel: A Prophet’s Prophet

Heschel aimed, through his writing and teaching, to shock modern people out of complacency and into a spiritual dimension

Haskalah, the Jewish Enlightenment

Originating in 18th-century Germany, this movement of "maskilim" sought to integrate Jewish ideas and Jews into Western society.

Jewish Ethics: Some Basic Concepts and Ideas

The biblical text and the Rabbinic tradition provide the universal search for an ethical life with passion and some unique concepts.

The Baal Shem Tov

The founder of Hasidism is shrouded in legend and mystery.

Isaac Luria and Kabbalah in Safed

After the expulsion of Jews from Spain in 1492, the center of kabbalistic study moved to the town of Safed in northern Palestine.

Who Was the Chofetz Chaim?

This influential 20th-century Jewish figure established his reputation first and foremost as an opponent of lashon hara, evil speech.

Wisdom For Unwelcome Experiences

The founder of Hasidism, the Baal Shem Tov, offered a three-pronged approach to dealing with difficulty.