Jewish Texts

The role of music in the healing of Gabrielle Giffords

Yesterday morning, in a weekly class on Jewish mysticism that I teach in the local community, we were concluding our ...

Does Our Behavior Match Our Priorities?

Pekudei: A resource for families.

Remember When…

Masei: A resource for families.

Talmud: An Explanation

There is no getting away from the Babylonian Talmud--love it, hate it, or both.

The Meaning of Clothes

Tetzaveh: A resource for families.

There’s No Place Like Home

Terumah: A resource for families.

Humility—Finding the Correct Balance

Yitro: A resource for families.

The Faith To Go Forward

Beshalach: A resource for families.

A Stubborn Heart

Bo: A resource for families.

Minding Your Own Business Vs. Intervening

Shemot: A resource for families.

Each Family Has a Mission in the World

Vayechi: A resource for families.

Not Embarrassing Others

Vayigash: A resource for families.