
Who Was Eve?

How the first woman's relationship with man and God is complicated.

Dispossession of Women’s Land

The audacity of the request of Zelophehad's daughters.

The Gift of Speech

What Balaam's donkey and under-represented minorities have in common.

Birkat Kohanim — Blessing of the Priests or of the Community?

How the Priestly Blessing is manifested within the community's needs.

Giving Sensibly

What we can learn from Nadav and Avihu.

Transparent Leadership

The metamorphosis of Aaron and his sons into priests was a process wholly transparent to the nation.

Six Days Shall You Work

Shabbat is important, yet our behavior during the other six days is no less a part of religious life.

The Mishkan as Signifier

Linking representation and action.

Haftarah for Terumah

How to build a Temple: Follow the instruction book.

From Insecurity to Sovereignty

Like the manna in the desert, food aid policies often do not foster real freedom.

A Burning Within

We must find the causes that make us most passionate--and work for change.

Transformative Testimony

We must insist on hearing the voices of survivors of contemporary global violence.