Modern Israel

Occupier and Occupied

At the front lines of trying to build Israeli-Palestinian peace.

Do Jews Own the Land of Israel?

We dwell on the land at God's pleasure, always on condition.

The Closer You Are, The Less You See

It took a Protestant pastor from Reston, Virginia to introduce me to my Palestinian neighbors. It happened two years ago, and it changed my life.

Israeli Folk Dance

Traditional dances find new values.

Jerusalem Contested

The Holy City changed hands many times before the War of Independence.

Next Year in Jerusalem

Understanding the familiar phrase in light of modern realities

The Territories, 1982-1987

An overview of Israel's relationship to the Sinai, the Gaza Strip, Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights, 1982 - 1987.

The Palestine Liberation Organization

Yasser Arafat and the PLO from 1964 until the 1993 Oslo Accords.

The Complex Nature of Intersectionality

Writer Erika K. Davis reflects on the Chicago Dyke March and provides perspective as a Queer Jew of Color.

Principled Preconditions Prevent People Progress

The meaningful statements that each side wants the other to make as a precondition to dialogue are unilateral capitulations to the other side’s truth.

After 69 Years, an Old New Paradigm is Needed

During the Holocaust we died in vain. We had no homeland and no state.

Collateral Damage When We Can’t Talk About Israel

He said, “I’m not—I mean, I support Israel’s right to exist and everything, it’s just—it brings up so much stuff.”