Rabbi Adina Allen

Rabbi Adina Allen is a spiritual leader, author, and educator. She is cofounder and creative director of Jewish Studio Project (JSP), an organization that is seeding a future in which every person is connected to their creativity as a force for healing, liberation and social transformation. Adina is the author of The Place of All Possibility: Cultivating Creative through Ancient Jewish Wisdom (Ayin Press, 2024).

Articles by Rabbi Adina Allen

Rosh Hashanah and the Creativity of Remembering

The Jewish New Year calls upon us to both reach back into the past and step forward into the future.

Creativity as Spiritual Practice

Judaism teaches that each of us is endowed with creative capacity simply by being human.

Why Every Home Needs Its Own Menorah

The tradition of lighting Hanukkah candles in every household teaches that all of us have the power to lighten our little corner of the world.

The Art of Teshuvah

The Jewish practice of repentance involves not merely turning away from sin, but turning toward the dark parts of ourselves.

The Shema: How Listening Leads to Oneness

Judaism's foundational prayer calls on us not merely to listen, but to remember that there is one force of connection uniting us all.