
Genesis 18:1-22:24


For full text in English and Hebrew, click here: Genesis 18:1-22:24

In this Torah portion, three guests arrive at Abraham and Sarah’s tent. They inform Abraham that God will give the elderly Sarah a child. The prophesy comes true, and they name their son Isaac. God informs Abraham that Sodom and Gomorrah will be destroyed, though Abraham attempts to convince God otherwise. God tells Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. Abraham obliges but is told that it was a test of faith and offers a ram to sacrifice instead.

Click here for a summary of Vayera.
Click here for a summary of the Haftarah for Vayera.

Ram from the Akedah
Ram from the Akedah

Text Studies

Social Action and Environmentalism

Choosing Man
Rabbi Menachem Evan-Israel, Hillel


Challenging the Heavens
Alana Alpert, AJWS


Seeing The Ram
Rabbi Neal J. Loevinger, KOLEL


Blessings for All
Evan Wolkenstein, AJWS


And God Took Note?
Rabbi William Dreskin, Union for Reform Judaism


Alone in the Wilderness
Rachel Farbiarz, AJWS


Service And Community–In The Desert
Rabbi Jonathan Spira-Savett,


The Sin of Sodom
Rabbi Yuval Cherlow, Canfei Nesharim


From the Denominations

Pluralism and Outreach

Honesty As A Form Of Idolatry
Rabbi Bradley Artson, American Jewish University


A Lesson in Hospitality
Rabbi Kerry Olitzky, Big Tent Judaism


The Needs of Home and Community
Rabbi Joshua Heller, Jewish Theological Seminary


Autonomy Vs. Heteronomy
Irwin Kula, CLAL


Laughing At Logic
Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz, Orthodox Union


Violence Against Women
Judith Plaskow, Women of Reform Judaism


Family and Fun

Parshat Vayera Quiz
Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies


Parshat Vayera Challah
Julie Seltzer


Parshat Vayera for Families
Torah Topics for Today


Being Absolutely Honest
Torah Topics for Today


Avoiding Hurting Words
Torah Topics for Today



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