Challah for Parashat Vayera

Lot's wife--before and after.

Commentary on Parashat Vayera, Genesis 18:1 - 22:24

And Lot’s wife looked behind him [at Sodom in flames] and became a pillar of salt. (Genesis 19:26)

וַתַּבֵּט אִשְׁתּוֹ, מֵאַחֲרָיו; וַתְּהִי, נְצִיב מֶלַח

challah for vayera

The challot featured here are a Before and After of Lot’s wife. She is told not to look back at the destroyed city of Sodom, but alas, she cannot resist a peek. First we see Lot’s wife from behind, then we see her facing us–this time in the form of a salt shaker!

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