Who’s the top rabbi in America?
Newsweek and the Daily Beast just released a list of, ostensibly, the best rabbis in America. But are those really THE top rabbis? “We…admire rabbis who keep their heads down and do their pastoral, spiritual or organizational work year after year,” the Beast noted. “But if we only rewarded consistency, the list would be unwieldy, fixed, and dull.”
We’d like to respectfully disagree. Our top rabbis are the ones we call when we don’t understand something about Judaism, or when we don’t agree with Judaism. Our top rabbis teach classes, pull us aside, help us through the joyous parts of our lives (births, bar/bat mitzvahs, weddings), the difficult parts (divorce, mourning)–and the everyday stuff, too.
We received over 200 amazing nominations! While we wish we could buy each rabbi dinner and a massage, we don’t have quite that funding base–which is why we’re turning it over to you. Go here to vote for your favorite (or favorites)–and celebrate every great rabbi out there!