
American Jewish Committee
Works to enhance the quality of American Jewish life by helping to ensure Jewish continuity and deepen ties between American and Israeli Jews

American Jewish Congress
Seeks to invigorate and enhance Jewish religious, institutional, communal and cultural life at home and abroad, and seek creative ways to express Jewish identity, ethics and values

Anti-Defamation League
Fighting anti-Semitism, bigotry, and extremism

B’nai B’rith International
Seeks to provide a powerful voice and force for Jewish unity, Jewish security and Jewish continuity

Center for Israel and Jewish Affairs (Canada)
The Canadian Jewish community’s official voice on public affairs

European Council of Jewish Communities
Provides a forum for inter-European networking, planning and co-operation, mainly in the areas of education, culture and social welfare

Hebrew History Federation
A non-profit organization dedicated to research in and education about the technological and artistic contributions Jews have made to civilization

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
Working to rescue those in peril, reunite families in freedom, and enable newcomers to build new lives with hope and prosperity

Jewish Council for Public Affairs
The representative voice of the organized American Jewish community in addressing the mandate of the Jewish community relations field

Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
Committed to explaining the need for a prudent national security policy for the United States, addressing the security requirements of both the United States and the State of Israel, and strengthening the strategic cooperation relationship between the two

Jewish Labor Committee
A Jewish voice in the labor movement

Jewish National Fund
Caretaker of the land of Israel, on behalf of its owners — Jewish people everywhere

Jewish War Veterans of the United States
Organization representing Jewish American war veterans
An online resource that describes the Jewish contribution to the cultural, scientific, and technological evolution of civilization

Jewish Federations of North America
Represents 156 Jewish federations and 400 independent communities across North America

World Jewish Congress
A diplomatic arm of the Jewish people to world governments and international organizations

The World Union for Progressive Judaism
Promotes Progressive Judaism in places where individuals and groups are seeking authentic, yet modern ways of expressing themselves as Jews

World Zionist Organization
Help Jews define their relationship with Israel and encourages them to participate in Israel’s and their community’s future.

Discover More

Acheinu: We Are One Family

The words of this ancient prayer speak eloquently to the dire situation of Jews held in captivity.

Am Yisrael Chai: The Meaning and History of this Jewish Rallying Cry

This slogan of Jewish resilience was popularized by the legendary songwriter Shlomo Carlebach.

Kiddushin 11

Money, money, money.