Close-up of a hand from a person writing thank you with a Fountain pen.

A Final Musing, With Thanks

After 30 years, Rabbi David Wolpe shares his final column.

Thirty years ago I began publishing 200 word columns, first in print in the NY Jewish Week and then online. In 2004, an early collection of them was published by Behrman House called Floating Takes Faith. Now as I step down as senior rabbi of Sinai Temple, it is time to bring this column, having written some 1,500 of them, to an end. 

From the beginning I aimed at the refrigerator. Perhaps this or that musing would be stuck on the door as a helpful thought. If this column gets pasted to a refrigerator — or a computer, or a bathroom mirror — it will be as a reminder that all things, good and bad, must end. 

It has been a great pleasure sharing thoughts each week, and God willing, I will continue to do so in many other ways. For now, however, these columns called “musings” or “off the pulpit” have run their course. I hang my kippah up in the hope that they have enlightened, amused or even inspired a bit over the decades, and with deep thanks for your kindness. B’vracha, with blessing — David Wolpe.

Rabbi David Wolpe’s musings have been shared in My Jewish Learning’s Shabbat newsletter, Recharge, a weekly collection of readings to refresh your soul. Sign up to receive the newsletter.

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