September 2015

The Purpose of Beginnings and the Beginnings of Purpose

A few years ago, there was a terrific newspaper cartoon from the strip “Non Sequitur” entitled “The Philosophical Showdown.” It showed ...

Back to… Something New

The High Holidays are a time of reflection, and one of the things I’m reflecting on is how different this ...

All We Do is Offend Each Other; So We Don’t Talk

My dear friend Tom was excited to greet his eldest daughter and new college friends home from college. “So, Erica,” ...

Brotherhood of Erstwhile Enemies

We were two Christian Palestinians, four Muslim Palestinians and six Jewish Israelis. The Christians were from Bethlehem, both veterans of ...

Sweet New Year: Sing it With Me!

As I’ve mentioned before, my Jewish experiences have been heavily influenced by music — and my music by Jewish experiences.While recording ...

Shabbat Is Not Orthodox

We are a diverse Jewish community. We hold different views on Israel. We have different understandings of Torah. There are ...

Moving On

When is Rosh Hashanah 2015? Find out here. Or wondering when is Yom Kippur 2015? Click here to find out!Here ...

10 Things All Southern High Holiday Service-Goers Will Understand

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur have a special flavor in the South.

The Loudest Noise

As we get ready for Rosh HaShanah, we get ready to hear the blasts of the Shofar associated with the ...

A Family Ritual for Blessing the New Year

A Sephardic Rosh Hashanah ceremony combines elements of Tashlich and a healing ritual.