Rosh Hashanah

How I Ended Up Delivering the Sermon on Rosh Hashanah

Over the summer, Larry, the organizer of the minyan that I attend for Rosh Hashanah, sent out an email asking ...

Science and Rosh Hashanah Do Mix

What did you do this Rosh Hashanah? I spent my holiday in synagogue applying the scientific method, snacking on honey-flavored ...

The Purpose of Beginnings and the Beginnings of Purpose

A few years ago, there was a terrific newspaper cartoon from the strip “Non Sequitur” entitled “The Philosophical Showdown.” It showed ...

Brotherhood of Erstwhile Enemies

We were two Christian Palestinians, four Muslim Palestinians and six Jewish Israelis. The Christians were from Bethlehem, both veterans of ...

Sweet New Year: Sing it With Me!

As I’ve mentioned before, my Jewish experiences have been heavily influenced by music — and my music by Jewish experiences.While recording ...

10 Wines that Pair Perfectly with Rosh Hashanah Brisket

As you prepare for Rosh Hashanah, you have likely been focused on your menu and all the traditional foods to ...

Moving On

When is Rosh Hashanah 2015? Find out here. Or wondering when is Yom Kippur 2015? Click here to find out!Here ...

10 Things All Southern High Holiday Service-Goers Will Understand

Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur have a special flavor in the South.

How to Make Honey Apple Cake in a Mug

We know you are out there: those of you who hate to cook and bake. Or those of you who ...

The Loudest Noise

As we get ready for Rosh HaShanah, we get ready to hear the blasts of the Shofar associated with the ...

The Year for Transition and Transformation

The summer of 1984 was my first exposure to the mega-international sporting event known as the Summer Olympic Games. At ...

Compassion is God’s Revenge

When is Rosh Hashanah 2015? Find out here. Or wondering when is Yom Kippur 2015? Click here to find out!The Ba’al ...