S’lach Lanu: An Everyday Prayer for Forgiveness
There is a crucial difference between feeling ashamed of our shortcomings and feeling shame about our unworthiness.
Penitence and Prayer in the Amidah
Two blessings said every day invoke the High Holiday mood of returning to God.
A story about prophecy and repentance—but not in the way you think.
Yom Kippur 2017
Yom Kippur begins at sunset on Friday, September 29 and ends at sundown on Saturday, September 30.
What Is Shabbat Shuvah?
The Sabbath between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur emphasizes themes of return and repentance.
Tashlich, the Symbolic Casting Off of Sins
A Rosh Hashanah ritual for the whole family.
How to Prepare for Rosh Hashanah
During the month of Elul, prayers to say and vows to renounce.
Unetanah Tokef
A religious poem recited on the High Holidays that is meant to strike fear in us.