

God, You and Me: Ecclesiastes as One of the Earliest Works of Jewish Existentialism

The author of Kohelet wrestled openly and honestly with life's biggest questions.

“All Is Vanity!” How to Understand Ecclesiastes’ Famous Lament

The King James version of the Bible made this phrase familiar, but few understand its full import.

A Time For Every Purpose

The biblical book of Ecclesiastes offers a different way to think about time — not as a unit of measurement, but as shifting periods of emotion and action.

God is Suffering

A close read of four biblical verses offers a powerful insight into one of the most challenging questions religion has to answer.

Ecclesiastes and the Quest for Truth

Approaching this enigmatic work as a statement of philosophy -- rather than an account of one man's search -- has confounded commentators across the centuries.

Kohelet: Torah for the 21st Century

The Book of Ecclesiastes may be the section of the Hebrew Bible most relevant to the way we experience the world today.


Despite the cynical tone of Ecclesiastes, it has been given a place of joy and honor in the Jewish cycle of readings.
