Jewish Texts


LGBTQ Interpretations of Jewish Texts

Ancient and modern readings of the Bible and Talmud suggest that several personalities may have defied gender and sexuality norms.

Shir Hashirim: Joining Human and Divine Love

Song of Songs is unique among biblical texts for its pure expression of love.

7 Tips for Studying Daf Yomi

Thinking about jumping into daily Talmud study? Here's some ways to get the most out of it.

Kohelet: Torah for the 21st Century

The Book of Ecclesiastes may be the section of the Hebrew Bible most relevant to the way we experience the world today.

What Texts Do We Read on Shavuot?

Special scriptural readings for the Festival of Weeks.

Why the Mishnah Is the Best Jewish Book You’ve Never Read

This almost 2,000-year-old text flies under the radar -- but it's immensely important to Jewish life.

What Is Midrash?

These writings, which fill in gaps in biblical texts, falls into two categories: halacha and aggadah.

What Is Hallel?

This prayer of thanksgiving is recited on festive Jewish holidays.

Jacob Ben Asher, the Ba’al Haturim

The author of the Arba'ah Turim set the stage for Joseph Caro's Shulchan Aruch.
