

Exodus: The Iron Cage of Power

A Hasidic teaching suggests that power, rather than bringing about liberation, achieves just the opposite.

Tending the Fire

Fire is a symbol of persistence and faith, but the embers must be tended.

Blueprint For the Anti-Egypt Society

Having set the Israelites free from slavery, God charges them with building a society that affirms precisely what Egypt denies.

What Texts Do We Read on Shavuot?

Special scriptural readings for the Festival of Weeks.

Is the Passover Story Eternal?

A debate among the ancient rabbis speaks to a stark difference of opinion about the operation of Jewish memory.

The Oft-Misquoted Catchphrase of the Exodus

'Let My People Go' is only half the equation.

Song(s) of the Sea

Miriam's instinctive song of praise tells us something important about calling out to God.

Passover 2018

The first seder is on Friday, March 30.

Holiness Cannot Be Mass Produced

The artisan is as important as the ingredients used.

Why is Moses Kept Out of the Tabernacle?

How the deepest intimacy can be both binding and freeing.
