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“Choosing Freedom”: Passover HerTorah

Hosted By: SVIVAH

Sometimes we think about freedom as something that happens, or doesn’t happen, to us. But the Exodus story and Seder ritual teach us that freedom involves spiritual work on our end, too, and that we have an important role in achieving, and maintaining, freedom – for ourselves and for others. Join SVIVAH to prepare for Passover by learning from outstanding teachers about the discipline and responsibilities of freedom.

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SVIVAH’s mission is to empower, strengthen, and nourish Jewish women* through community. SVIVAH is a multigenerational, diverse, powerful collective of Jewish women* dedicated to inspiring, motivating, and celebrating life in sisterhood. In Hebrew, svivah means “to surround her'' and that is precisely our goal. We connect women to each other, to cross-generational wisdom, to Jewish learning, and to the resources we need, in an inclusive, women*-only space. We do this by curating Jewish faith experiences with women at the center, by producing wide-ranging programming, and by amplifying and partnering with organizations in line with our values. (*SVIVAH defines “Jewish woman” as anyone wishing to be included in a circle of Jewish women.)
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