

Speaking Up for Trans Youth

The new spate of anti-trans legislation restricting access to medical care and curtailing the ability to play gender-appropriate sports is devastating not only for trans folks but also for all Jews, as it strikes a blow at a core Jewish value: Do not cause distress by referring to a person’s past identity.

When is Trans Joy?

An affirmation for Transgender Day of Visibility

Joy’s Journey Across the Divide

A Keshet board member sets out to have respectful conversations in conservative communities.

Transgender 101

What you need to know to be welcoming and inclusive.

The Cloud of Glory

An Orthodox rabbi advocates for trans inclusion this Sukkot

Coming Out for my Transgender Daughter

There it sat and it had sat for a very long time. We felt exhausted, vulnerable, and full of anxiety. ...

Gender Politics of the Prayer Shawl

I went shopping for a new tallit (prayer shawl) at two competing Boston Judaica shops last week. In both stores I ...

What I Want For Validity

The week before I wrote this poem I was having a discussion with my mother about how I presented my gender ...

Calling All Trans People in Rural Areas, Towns, and Small Cities

In August, I’m going to drive across the country interviewing trans adults who live in rural areas, towns, and small ...

Passover: Festival of Binaries

Leavened versus unleavened; inside versus outside; Jew versus non-Jew; life versus death. Passover is a festival of absolute binary distinctions that we ritually link together in order to affirm our identity as the people God brought out of Egypt and to pass that identity on to our children. This is the Torah's equivalent of “Jewish Identity for Dummies.”
