The Project of Leadership
Most people find this section (the final chapters of Exodus and first few chapters of Leviticus) of the Torah pretty ...
Where Are You @?
I was in college in the early ’90s when I got my first email address. After my roommate came home one ...
Full with Emptiness
In the last weeks’ Torah readings (Terumah, Tetzaveh and Ki Tissa), our sacred myth has amplified the problem of human longing for ...
“That I May Dwell Among Them…”
In this week’s Torah portion (Parshat Terumah, Exodus 25:1-27:19), God instructs Moses how Israel should make the sanctuary. He tells Moses, “וְעָשׂוּ ...
Mishkan in Mississippi
The last thing I imagined to find when I moved to Mississippi? A tabernacle.Over the years, I’ve learned a lot ...
Parashat B’midbar: The Gift of the Wilderness
Jews read sections of the Torah each week, and these sections, known as parshiyot, inspire endless examination year after year. Each ...
Ask Not What Your Judaism Can Do For You
This past week in synagogues throughout the world we rolled the Torah scroll forward and began reading from the Book ...