Not Alone in the Room
Having no idea how many people will attend in person, I set fifteen chairs in a semi-circle and place the ...
Going Beyond Our Borders
Maintaining our sanity and connection through online community
C’mon, Let’s Do the Twist, Why Braid Challah?
We traditionally welcome Shabbat on Friday evening with Challah, the customary sweet braided bread. Why braided?Twists and braids are mentioned ...
When I Light Shabbat Candles
Some Friday nights I light candles at 9 pm. No, I don’t live in Alaska or Scandinavia. I’m talking about ...
How Having a Baby Has Changed This Rabbi’s Blessings
This summer, my wife and I welcomed our first child into the world in Jackson, Mississippi. Ever since, the birth ...
Shabbat Shalom – You’re Doing It Wrong!
My family hadn’t been to synagogue in awhile. Even though I’m a Jewish professional myself, it happens—largely because while I ...
Flexibility & Adaptability: Making Room to Grow
As part of our summer blog series on 21st Century Skills, we are featuring personal stories from camp alumni and ...
Settling In, Still Unsettled: Early Southern Shabbat Reflections
Ever since I was in elementary school, I have always had a strong connection to prayer. On Friday nights during ...
Sharing My Shabbat Table
One of the most empowering things I have done since living on my own as an Orthodox Jewish “single” is ...