Rosh Hodesh


Catching Our Breath

This Shabbat we celebrate the New Moon of Shevat, the beginning of the Hebrew month in which the world begins ...

Stories My Mother Never Told: My Bat Mitzvah Speech

“Stories My Mother Never Told” is a three-part blog series dedicated to re-envisioning what it can mean for parents and ...

Give Heed to the Bark/Meow/Cluck of the Shofar

Apparently yesterday was “National Dog Day.”I had not heard of National Dog Day before, but it was created 10 years ...

Tammuz: Remembering Our Spiritual Center

How Jewish is the Hebrew Calendar? When we use a Hebrew word to identify a period of time, we may ...

Women’s Voices: The Path to Religious Freedom

Is it kosher to listen to Neshama Carlebach in concert? Go to an opera where women are singing solos? Enjoy ...
