

We Are All Leaders

Leadership is on my mind this week. We elected a new president of the United States, a leader with a ...

Advice from Our Sages: Get Out and Vote

“Mommy, if we didn’t live in the United States, where would we live?” my son asked me. His question came ...

Mourning & Action

Our hearts are heavy.This past Thursday evening marked the onset of Tu B’Av, the traditional Jewish holiday celebrating love. Yet ...

A Dog at the Seder

As a child, the great Jewish philosopher Emmanuel Levinas noticed that dogs appear in Torah at a crucial moment. On ...

A Letter to Students: The Lesson of Elijah

Dearest Students,Early on in the academic year (and the Jewish New Year!), I thought it would be a poignant time ...

Who isn’t a Jew?

In the ongoing dustup that started several years ago between Rabbi Daniel Gordis and a series of young rabbis, most ...

Caregiving or Responsibility?

I think that it would be wrong to let the day go by without saying something about the election. But ...

Justice in the City – A how-to?

I am not really the kind of person who recommends books. I periodically review them, but that’s different. They get ...
