pirkei avot


How A Little Pirkei Avot Eased A Little Pandemic Stress

I didn’t grow up hearing much Hebrew or Yiddish. I got the occasional “lay keppy (head)” from my mother when ...

Sharing the Burden: How A Little Pirkei Avot Eased Pandemic Stress

I didn’t grow up hearing much Hebrew or Yiddish. I got the occasional “lay keppy (head)” from my mother when ...

Jewish Wisdom from Jewish Educators

Judaism has a lot to tell us about how to live a meaningful life—here's some Jewish wisdom that inspires us.

When Your Role Model Disappoints You

We are always capable of being better- and so is everyone else

An Attitude of Gratitude

Jewish tradition reminds us that being happy with what we have is so important.

Feeling the Love in Israel

Make for yourself a teacher, acquire a friend, and judge every person favorably. (Pirkei Avot 1:6)

We Are All Leaders

Leadership is on my mind this week. We elected a new president of the United States, a leader with a ...

Silver & Gold Study Buddies

My Jewish life has always been active. I became a Bat Mitzvah right on time, inherited the position of cantorial ...

Eizehu Gibor: Jessica Jones – who is a hero?

(Yes, spoilers. Get over it)In Emily Nussbaum’s superb New Yorker essay about the television series “Marvel’s Jessica Jones,” she asks, ...

Accumulating Things Or, Then Again … Nothing

We read in Pirke Avot, the Ethics of the Sages: “Who is happy?” The answer: “The one who is satisfied ...
