Modern Orthodoxy


Revitalizing Women’s Tefillah Groups

As a Modern Orthodox high school student at Ramaz, I find meaning in women’s tefillah (prayer) services. After experiencing them at ...

The Gender of Our Clergy Need Not Dictate Where Women Breastfeed

In her JOFA post, “I Wasn’t Asking for Your Opinion,” Rabbanit Sharona Halickman rightfully criticizes the Orthodox Union for “only now ...

Orthodoxy And Its Discontents

I’ve just read a book whose sole purpose is to denigrate Open Orthodoxy, its institutions and its principles.Nevertheless, Why Open ...

Is It Too Early To Teach My Daughter To Be A Feminist?

My 15-month-old daughter has a game she likes to play. She enjoys walking up to my husband while he is ...

How I Ended Up Delivering the Sermon on Rosh Hashanah

Over the summer, Larry, the organizer of the minyan that I attend for Rosh Hashanah, sent out an email asking ...

Yeshiva University Dean Wants to Reverse Gains in Women’s Torah Learning

My social media has been abuzz this past week with the commentary on a recent article published by Rabbi Mordechai ...

When it Comes to Jewish Sexual Laws, It’s 3 Jews, 0 Opinions

Laws of family purity and sex should be private, but can they be too private?Some of this post contains adult ...

Supporting My Gay Son

This morning The Torch,  a project of JOFA, the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance, shared the heartwarming story of a family adjusting to ...

Living “Out” Within the Orthodox Community

I grew up 100 percent Camp Ramah and United Synagogue Youth (both Conservative movement institutions), but after marrying a Modern ...

Agreement vs. Acceptance

As a Jewish woman raised in a Conservative home, a Reform synagogue, and who has been Modern Orthodox since the ...
