

Persian Singer Embraces Multiple Roles: Band Leader, Scholar, and Teacher

Mizrachi music is the soundtrack we need for this moment.

Judaism, A House Divided Against Itself

There was a time when the Jewish community spoke with one voice. The Talmud records the role of the Resh ...

“I Represent the Jewish Community.”

“I represent the Jewish community,” is not a statement that can be made today. There is no one “Jewish community.” ...

All I Want is the Truth: Rip Off the Masks and Gimme Some Truth

John Lennon once wrote in lyrical desperation, “All I want is the truth, man. Just gimme some truth.” Without any ...

Remembering Hebrew School in Iranian Prison

I struggled to remember ever scrap of Judaism that I could. My family is secular. My mother feels uncomfortable in ...

Jews Don’t Celebrate Christmas (Except in Prison in the Islam Republic of Iran)

In Iranian prison I didn’t hear the anti-Semitism that I anticipated. For months, I feared revealing my religion to guards. ...

When Did Preemptive War Become a Jewish Value?

How many emails have you gotten recently urging you to “take action” to get new, tougher sanctions imposed on Iran? ...

Iran: My Enemy My Brother

“Too long have I dwelt with those who hate peace.  I am all peace; but when I speak, they are ...

The Nuts and Bolts of Peace with Iran

“Even if the messiah tarries, nonetheless, I believe and wait for him, but peace with Iran? Impossible.” When I asked ...
