

They Warned Me About This in Hebrew School

If my Facebook feed is any indication, there’s quite a bit of discontent these days with many recent political decisions. ...

Jerks and Quirks

The people in our lives can sometimes surprise us. “Why did she say that?”  “Who would do that?”  “What was ...

Shabbat Is Not Orthodox

We are a diverse Jewish community. We hold different views on Israel. We have different understandings of Torah. There are ...

Forfeiting the Right to Worship God in Charleston and Everywhere #blacklivesmatter

This past Thursday morning was a hard day to wake up to. It was a hard day for all who ...

“The State of the Union is …”

Every January I reflect on the lessons of Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel and his good friend Dr. Martin Luther King, ...

Our Girls, the 1 in 5 and the 250

How the United States responds to the kidnapped Nigerian girls and the epidemic of rape on the college campus will ...

Is Torah Just For Jews?

Unless we’re talking about jury duty, it’s generally nice to be noticed as unique and special; to be chosen. Except ...

Typhoon Haiyan and the Importance of Giving

“Shall we make Man in our image?” A favorite rabbinic comment of mine reads Genesis 1:25 as a questions rather ...

Corporate Greed Leads to Grandma’s Drug Problem

“Johnson & Johnson agreed to pay a total of $2.2 billion and plead guilty to a misdemeanor in a deal ...

This Yom Kippur Let’s Talk about Syria

I believe that pulpit rabbis have an obligation to frame issues of the day in a moral lens even when ...
