
Gratitude: Let it Grow, Let it Grow!

The human trait of Hakarat HaTov, literally “noticing the good” but often translated as gratitude, is a perfect character trait ...


“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgiving, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” -William Arthur ...

Gratitude and Forgiving the Unforgivable

A while back I suggested a unique way of doing the chesbon nefesh (soul’s accounting) we are expected to do ...

Look Both Ways Before Crossing!

As we cross from 5774 to 5775, the Akeida (the Binding of Isaac, which is traditionally read on Rosh Hashanah) ...

What I’m grateful for this Thanksgivukkah

Often, when I take a moment to remind myself what I’m grateful for, I think about my grandmothers. My life ...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Most of us are hitting the road for the Thanksgiving holiday. With gratitude on our minds, we are grateful to ...

High Holy Days: Collective Sin, Collective Success

Within the liturgy of Yom Kippur, guilt is assumed to be collective, as we communally recite the sins. That being ...

The Power of Gratitude

A simple street scene glimpsed on the early morning commute. A woman in her forties dressed in a sari, a ...