

Funny, You Don’t Look German

A German Colombian Jew dedicates his life to building an inclusive (Jewish) world.

Rent A … What?

The sharp increase in hate crimes in the United States doesn’t happen in a vacuum – and I think it’s ...

Would You Resist?

I am a rabbi. I am 46 years old. I am also the granddaughter and grand-niece of Germans who were ...

Apologizing for Our Parents’ Sins

My mother was born in Germany in 1939. She grew up there, emigrating to the United States in 1968, after ...

A Jew in a Plexiglas Box

A Jew on display in a Plexiglas box, in Germany of all places, stands as a flagrant provocation. But there ...

Wrestling with the Ethics of the Sochi Olympics

The more I read and learn about what has been happening in Russia, the more I am afraid for its ...

On Coming Together Over Brokenness

 November 9, 2013, marks the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht, “The Night of Broken Glass.” It is the night many point ...

Collective Guilt vs. Collective Fear

“Justice is better than chivalry if we cannot have both.” -Alice Stone Blackwell   The Internet is a tricky beast. ...

Restoring Herschel Grynszpan to the Pages of History

My new book,  The Short, Strange Life of Herschel Grynszpan: A Boy Avenger, a Nazi Diplomat and a Murder in ...

Putting People in Boxes – Literally

I’d like to preface today’s post by saying that while I *wish* this were some sort of April Fool’s Day ...
