

Beyond Belief: Navigating Our Way Through the High Holy Days

“Where there is faith, there are fewer beliefs. You use beliefs to shore up opinions, rather than a relationship with ...

Keep the Faith?

A week after coming home from a month in Israel, my soul remains immersed there. The tension in Israel, charged ...

The Ellipsis

No thunder, bolts of lightning, heavenly voices, not even a friendly angel. Nonetheless, a transforming life experience, frozen in time ...

Is Torah Just For Jews?

Unless we’re talking about jury duty, it’s generally nice to be noticed as unique and special; to be chosen. Except ...

Have a Little Faith

A lot has been made of the new Pew Study on the Jewish population. I am enjoying reading the various ...

“Graven Images” Onscreen: Narrowing Our View?

You shall have no other gods beside Me. You shall not make for yourself any graven image, nor any manner ...

Obligation, Faith, and Service After the Storm

I had been out of town for a few days. When I returned to the ISJL office in Jackson, I ...

The Nuts and Bolts of Peace with Iran

“Even if the messiah tarries, nonetheless, I believe and wait for him, but peace with Iran? Impossible.” When I asked ...
