

From a Passover of Alienation to a Passover of Empathy

Our love and concern must radiate out beyond the us towards the them.

Just Your Typical Egyptian Mexican American Jew

It is interesting to grow up in an old world family with new world ideas. My childhood dinners were created ...

Passover, Shabbat and Rat Poison – Poisoning Ourselves With the Poison Used Against Us

This year the first day of Passover fell on Shabbat. Can we find a deeper connection between Shabbat and Passover?Perhaps we ...

Time to End the Hate Song

We find ourselves living at an interesting time on a couple of levels. Having just participated in two wonderful Seders ...

Passover Isn’t What it Used to Be – And Why That’s a Good Thing!

One of the most oft-repeated themes of the Torah is that we must remember that we were slaves and strangers ...

God’s Abortive Assassination Attempt

Parshat Shmot which we read this week contains one of the most bizarre incidents in all of the Torah. By ...

The Champagne Spy

For five long years Wolfgang Lotz, a horse breeder and bon vivant, lived the high life of an affluent former ...

The Journey Back

Little did I know what I was getting myself into when one day I decided to delve back into my ...

Freedom From Passover Is Freedom, Too

The story of Passover, and the Exodus from Egypt, involves the oppressor (Pharaoh and the Egyptians) and the oppressed and ...

Sage, At Any Age: Remembering Andrew Pochter

Studying text is one way to gather knowledge and inspiration as we seek to live meaningful lives and work to improve ...
