

Adult Circumcision: Not Required

I have been working with a married couple towards conversion. They have completed their learning, their years of living Jewishly, ...

God’s Abortive Assassination Attempt

Parshat Shmot which we read this week contains one of the most bizarre incidents in all of the Torah. By ...

My Name is Yusha

Any run-in with a Russian bathhouse is bound to shock: men chugging bottles of beer-like kvass, felt hats helping them ...

Facts from the Field

Some big issues for orthodox feminism have come up in the news lately. Did you see that women will soon ...

To Snip Or Not To Snip? Why I Say “Yes” To Circumcision!

To snip or not to snip? That, apparently, is becoming a major question for some 21st-century American Jews.I have to ...

Ignore the Surveys: American Jews are Building Collaborative Communities

There has been a tremendous amount of ink spilled and keys pressed discussing the finer details of the Pew Research ...

Interfaith families bringing new realities to Jewish communal life

I’m a big fan of Julie Weiner’s blog at The Jewish Week.  It’s one of those blogs that I read ...

Circumcision: Whose Initiation?

You may know the contemporary arguments for and against a brit milah, ritual circumcision of infant Jewish boys.For: It’s traditional. It affirms a family’s connection ...

Circumspect Conversations about Circumcision

This week we heard news from Germany that a regional court ruled that circumcision amounts to bodily harm, even if ...
