Beit Din


A Global Conversion

The convert was in New South Wales. And the rabbis on the beit din were in Georgia, Tennessee, New York and New Mexico.

International Agunah Day: Taking Matters into Our Own Hands

The agunah problem has not gone away. Every so often it rears its ugly head and we witness yet another ...

Voting with Our Feet: Heeding the Call of ORA’s Rabbi Jeremy Stern

Rabbi Jeremy Stern, who serves as the Executive Director of the Organization for the Resolution of Agunot (ORA) recently penned ...

Weekend at the Beach

In the Beginning, the friendship of three rabbis was created and nurtured at an annual Rabbis Without Borders alumni retreat.My plan was to enjoy a ...

Bully on the Bimah: Bar Mitzvah, No Matter What?

Picture this: a really mean kid.A kid who spends each day at school calling others names, like fat and loser. ...

Who speaks for Judaism?

As an ex-pat British Jew, living and working in the USA, I’ve been following the press coverage on the search ...
