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An Interview with Dr. Susie Tanchel: The First Out Head of a Jewish Day School
Tanchel was, until recently, the only out head of a Jewish day school in the country.
Birth, God, Live, Rabbis Without Borders
God’s Abortive Assassination Attempt
Parshat Shmot which we read this week contains one of the most bizarre incidents in all of the Torah. By ...
Yom Ha’atzmaut Online Ceremonies and Resources
Israel Independence Day begins the evening of April 28, 2020
Glatt Kosher
The name for this particular practice has come to stand for more stringent kashrut standards in general.
Who Owns Our Words?
For artists and writers, their creativity is their livelihood. The ideas that sprout from their heads are what put bread ...
Beliefs & Practices, Jewish Law, JOFA's Torch, Live, Study, Weddings & Marriage
Jewish Women Deserve Better
Five months ago, I wrote about my struggles as a newly married woman in adjusting to the observance of Taharat ...
From Estrangement to Reconciliation
The High Holidays are but milestones on the journey toward renewal of our relationship with God.
Working With Converts
Excerpts from the Reform Movement's Guidelines for Working with Prospective Converts
The Commandments: Biblical Reasons to Obey
There are a number of reasons given to obey God's laws.