5 Questions to Ask Yourself for the New Year

1. Am I living the life I want? Yup, that’s a big one to contemplate. Even a bit scary. But now is the time to pay attention to it.

2. Do I show gratitude to those I love? Often we take our loved ones for granted. Take some time over the holidays to tell someone that you love them. Tell them what they have contributed to your life.

3. Am I taking care of myself? Many people push themselves too hard, physically, emotionally, even spiritually. Think about where you may need to make adjustments so that you can be the best self you can be.

4. Where is God in my life? Another big question. For some, easy to dismiss. However, whatever your beliefs are, the Jewish High Holiday season which we are entering gives you a chance to revisit your own personal theology. Maybe some events happened in the past year which challenged your view of God. Maybe you have new questions. Take some time to examine your own thoughts.

5. Whom do I need to forgive? Many rabbis talk about asking for forgiveness on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. However, sometimes it is harder to grant forgiveness to someone than to ask for it. Letting go of hurt, anger, and disappointment are not easy. Sit with it. See what comes to mind and if you can forgive.

This is the work the High Holidays ask us to do. I hope you can contemplate these questions over the next couple of weeks and check in with yourself. This kind of self-examination can be difficult, but also very rewarding.

May you be blessed with a healthy and happy New Year!
May you be written it the Book of Life!


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