Jewish Children’s Literature

Classic books continue to inspire new generations.

Shavuot In the Community

Some of the customs associated with this holiday display remnants of the agricultural tradition.

Faith In Difficult Times

Jeremiah's deep faith despite the impending exile predicted in Parashat B'hukotai can teach us to turn to God in the most troubling of times.

Counting the Omer

The days between Passover and Shavuot are considered a time of mourning.

How To: Make Your Own Omer Counter

Counting the Omer is a pretty random mitzvah for those of us who wouldn’t otherwise count down the days to ...

How to Find Someone to Officiate at Your Jewish Wedding

Rabbis and cantors aren't the only options, and chemistry matters.


Confessing your sins every day, twice a day, for the rest of your life.

Queer Jewish Dating

What does it mean to be Jewish and queer? What about dating queer and Jewish? Does it make a difference? ...

Jewish Recipes

Traditional and Contemporary Jewish Food for Every Occasion.