War and Remembrance

The Torah commands us to remember the evil of Amalek — but also to forget.

5 Gorgeous Rosh Hashanah Recipes from Israel’s Top Chefs

These show-stopping dishes will be the talk of your holiday.

¿Qué es lo que creen los judíos acerca de Jesús?

Cómo el judaísmo ve al hombre que los cristianos veneran como el Mesías.

Susan Sontag

This poet, author, and modernist emphasizes the role of interpretation in understanding art.

Eruvin 94

Sages as living Torah scrolls.

Bava Metzia 2

Welcome to Tractate Bava Metzia.

Havinenu: A Shortened Version of the Amidah

When and why Jews say an abbreviated Amidah. Full text and translation of Havinenu included.

How to Find a Jewish Grave

Tips for locating your family’s burial sites.