Deuteronomy 33:1-34:12: The Death of Moses

The first Torah reading for Simchat Torah

My Jewish Transgender Journey

We know that this post is much longer than our usual posts. We do hope you’ll stick with it to ...

How to Have an Aliyah

What you should know before you're called to the Torah.

Mrs. Maisel’s Oklahoma Roots: Plausible, or Preposterous?

A Southern Jewish Historian weighs in on the recent Marvelous plotline

Tikkun in Lurianic Kabbalah

In contemporary parlance, tikkun olam refers to repairing the earthly world in which we live but in Luria's teachings, complete tikkun would undo the world we know.

Karaite Marriage

How Karaite laws influence weddings, divorce and ritual purity.

Nature and Holiness in the Writings of Priests and Prophets

To the Israelite prophets, humans are central to the relationship of God and the created world...

Rabbinic Limitations on War

Deuteronomy 20 permits wars of aggression, but the talmudic rabbis made it difficult to declare one.

How Not to Comfort Mourners

The worst things to say to someone who is grieving.

The Mikveh’s Significance in Traditional Conversion

Immersion in the mikveh actualizes the transition between the convert's old identity and his or her new one as a Jew.