Jewish Art in the Ancient World

As far back as the biblical period, art has been created and valued in Jewish communities.

Jewish Art: A Brief History

Contrary to popular perception, Jewish art dates back to Biblical times.

Jewish Art in Medieval & Modern Times

Jewish artists have tended to take on elements of the societies in which the artists lived.

Overview: History & Theory of Jewish Art

While the work of great Jewish artists continues to inspire generations, the concept of Jewish art remains a problematic one. The nagging question is, What makes Jewish art Jewish?

Parashat Metzora: Healing From the Mysterious and Incomprehensible

This week’s Torah portion, Parashat Metzorah, is primarily concerned with a peculiar biblical affliction called tzaraat (tzah-RAH-at). Commonly mistranslated as ...

Rituals of Return

My return to sacred space.

The Jews of Russia

The territories of the former Russian Empire were the cradle of Jewish modernity, the birthplace of Zionism and Jewish socialism, and a major center of the Hasidic movement.

Why Passover Is Important

Commemorating the foundational event in Jewish history makes Jews who they are.