Salamone Rossi & Synagogue Choral Music

A Renaissance composer who applied the conventions of choral music to Jewish liturgy

Forget the Man, Fix the System

This week marks the fifteenth anniversary of my conversion to Judaism.As for so many others, my process of entering into ...

Ray Frank

"Latter-day Deborah" challenged the traditional role of Jewish women.

Polygamy in Judaism

Once a tolerated and regulated practice, polygamy is virtually unheard of in Jewish life today.

20 Black Jews You Should Know

From Yiddish theater to the rabbinate, Black Jews have risen to prominence and enriched all aspects of Jewish and American life.

Debbie Friedman: Singing Unto God

A self-taught musical phenomenon, she had a huge impact on liberal Jewish worship.

How to Choose a Siddur, or Jewish Prayer Book

It helps to know what lies behind the muted bindings and the denominational labels of today's wide array of possibilities.

Mary Antin

This best-selling author celebrated the immigrant experience and the boundless opportunity of America.

The Modern Noahide Movement

Non-Jews living in observance of the Seven Noahide Laws.

Kitniyot: Not Quite Hametz

The Passover debate surrounding rice, millet, corn and legumes.