Bava Metzia 30

Beyond the letter of the law.

Exodus & Revolution is co-sponsoring a pre-Passover six-part class on Michael Walzer’s Exodus and Revolution along with AJWS, AVODAH, Congregation B’nai Jeshurun, ...

The Book of Exodus

The book of Exodus tells the tale of Israel's liberation and birth, and of the beginning of God's covenanted nation.

Exodus Morality

Whether or not we know the suffering of the slaves, we are commanded to act as if we do.

William Shatner’s Exodus

When it was announced that Leonard Nimoy would return for a cameo appearance in the new Star Trek movie (read ...

Shabbat as a Reminder of the Exodus

In connecting the two, the Torah makes Shabbat a symbol of compassion and humane treatment for those in need of liberation.

Creation and Exodus: The Nexus

The Bible has no problem giving both cosmic and social reasons for Shabbat. Creation and liberation are tightly connected.

Believing the Exodus Story

Why is it that the most unbelievable of Jewish stories is that which is most believed in?

Exodus: The Iron Cage of Power

A Hasidic teaching suggests that power, rather than bringing about liberation, achieves just the opposite.