Why Passover Is Important

Commemorating the foundational event in Jewish history makes Jews who they are.

A Passover Beyond Words 

The visceral cries of the enslaved Israelites, not their words, was essential to the process of liberation.

18 Items to Make This Passover Different From All Others

From seder plates and Passover treats to jumping frogs and Haggadahs, step up your seder game this year.

How to Plan a Passover Seder

A simple, step-by-step guide to hosting Passover.

Bava Metzia 30

Beyond the letter of the law.

Parashat Pekudei: Opening Ourselves Up

How many of us who are grieving put up screens in our lives in order to get through the day?

English Words of Hebrew Origin

From cabal to camel, a list of English words that derive from Hebrew.