

Parashat Shmini: Summary

After the dedication of the Tabernacle and the ordination of the priests, two of Aaron's sons bring a strange fire before God and are consumed by fire; God then instructs Moses and Aaron regarding which animals may be eaten.

Judaism in the Public Square

It's time to chip away at the wall of separation.

God’s Withdrawal

Isaac Luria's theory of creation.

The Gerona Circle of Kabbalah

Influential kabbalists like Rabbi Azriel and Jacob ben Sheshet were, at times, criticized for their work.

Merkavah Mysticism in Rabbinic Literature

In the Talmud and midrash, visions of the Divine Throne are achieved by studying the Torah.

The Pros and Cons of a Day School Education

One parent shares her family's thoughts about the possibility of her daughter attending a Jewish day school.

Traditional Sources on Sexual Pleasure

Some classical Jewish statements about sex might surprise you.

Rejecting Halakhah

Some Jewish thinkers condone homosexuality, despite the condemnation of homosexual sex in Jewish law.

Parashat Tzav: Summary

God tells Moses to describe the rituals for some of the offerings to the priests; the priests then undergo the process of ordination.

Sacrifices And Passover

The juxtaposition of Vayikra with preparations for Passover shows the parallels between cleaning our homes and souls and offering atonement and thanksgiving.

Parashat Vayikra: Summary

God commands Moses regarding various types of offerings: under what circumstances they should be offered and what they should consist of.

Israel’s Foreign Policy

An examination of the development of the Israeli military.
