Jewish Texts

Saying No To Temptation

Not giving in to temptations helps us to clarify our values and stick to our convictions.

Ghosts, Spirits, and Jewish wanderings in the Afterlife

My colleagues Joshua Ratner and Alana Suskin have offered their perspectives on kids trick or treating, and generally engaging (or ...

Speak Softly

By speaking softly at home we can teach children that shouting is not the most effective way.

Family Forgiveness

The need to forgive and, if possible, forget, is vitally important.


We must give our children opportunities to view themselves as successes.

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

A positive outlook on the world can go a long way towards making situations feel more manageable.

Being Content With What You Have

Sometimes we simply need a reminder to be appreciative of our lives.

Honoring Parents

We must teach our children how to honor parents properly.

Being Absolutely Honest

Ethically, are there ever times to lie?

The Grass is Always Greener on the Other Side

Like Sarah, we must realize that envy leads us to make poor choices and treat others unfairly.

How Hard Should We Discipline Our Children?

When guiding our children, we need to find a balance between extreme measures and more cautious ones.

Sibling Rivalry

What can we do in our families to create positive family dynamics?