Jewish Texts

When a presidential candidate is misinformed about late term abortion

In recent weeks there has been a great deal said by presidential candidate, Donald Trump, that has caused deep upset ...

God Appears in Atlanta

“The whole earth trembles and dances when the God of freedom appears.” (Psalm 114)Reading Stephen Mitchell‘s rendering of psalms always makes ...

How Do the Rabbis in the Talmud Address Rape?

With the deplorable situation in Santa Clara (the Stanford rape case), there has recently been a media focus on rape. ...

Partnership Minyans and Women’s Aliyot: A Maturing Conversation

Proponents and opponents of Partnership Minyans have jointly fostered a single narrative. In that narrative, the only relevant technical halakhic ...

How Should We Write About Tragedy?

Heartbreaking news from the U.S. Violence against gays. The worst mass shooting. Hints of international terrorism.How should my fellow spiritual ...

What the Stanford Rape Case Can Teach Us

Like a great many others have over these past few days, I have read the incredibly powerful letter written by ...

Contextualizing the Conversation about Women’s Aliyot in the Orthodox Community

Women receiving aliyot (being called to the Torah) in Orthodox synagogues is a relatively new phenomenon. Its most prominent proponents are ...

The Rebbetzin

At the far end of the town of Tiflus, in a small house built upon the foundations of Torah, piety, ...

Like God, I Am Prismatic

Although it might be awkward to articulate the breadth and depth of human qualities we aspire to, it is not ...

What It Means to Graduate

Mazel Tov, Young Graduates!You’ve done it! Your hard work has paid off. We put hoop after hoop in front you, ...

Take a Stand: Don’t Let Religion Become a Weapon

In Pirkei Avot 2:10 we are taught that Rabbi Eliezer said, יהי כבוד חברך חביב עליך כשלך “Let your neighbor’s dignity be precious ...

Words Matter

Last night, as the Republican debate began, a Facebook friend wrote that she was having her own internal debate about ...