Jewish Texts

Establishing Equality with the Stranger

Creating a just society requires courage and vision.

King David, Batsheva and #MeToo

If Batsheva had had the chance, the tweet would have written itself, but we never heard her side of the story.

Torah That is “Near to You”

The text is eternal because of its adaptability — not its unchanging nature.

What Do We Do About Violence in the Torah?

Why do we draw so many conclusions about each other’s religious traditions from small excerpts of text?

A Failed Rebellion

This biblical power structure — and struggle — in Korach may offend our democratic sensibilities.

An Angel is Born

Chazak, chazak, v’nitchazek! Let’s be strong, and strengthen one another!

Our Sages Were Wrong

I want my child to know that his choices matter. They have consequences.

Who is Worthy to Lead: The Torah of Modern Politics

This week’s Torah portion (Yitro) offers a key lesson for today’s politics. It comes just before the fateful Ten Commandments ...

They Warned Me About This in Hebrew School

If my Facebook feed is any indication, there’s quite a bit of discontent these days with many recent political decisions. ...

How to Be a “Player” in Jewish Life

What does it take to be a “player” in Jewish life? No, not that kind of “player.” I mean, what ...

Celebrating Our Daughters: From Simchat Bat to Bat Mitzvah

I had been thinking about my eldest daughter’s bat mitzvah for a long time. We belong to a Modern Orthodox ...