
Gluten-Free Honey Apple Cake

For me, Rosh Hashanah always symbolizes the beginning of Fall (although it is way early this year, practically still summer) ...

Honey Pomegranate Cake

I have a love-hate relationship with the High Holidays (who doesn’t!?). It always seems to coincide with a busy time ...

The Best Apples & Honey Cakes for the New Year

You might still be thinking about summer tomatoes, peach pie and drinks by the pool, but at The Nosher, we ...

Chicken Gribenes ‘n Waffles Cupcake

Don’t get me wrong: I love fresh fruits and veggies. But I also love schmaltz. Not everyday. Not in large ...

Baking for “ShaBubbe”

What’s that saying – no rest for the weary!?I got back from three weeks in Israel this past Sunday morning ...

Butter vs. Margarine

Despite growing up in the Midwest, mine was a margarine house growing up. The only time we had butter in ...

Strawberry Rhubarb Crumble Ice Cream

I am so happy to be back blogging today. I am officially back from baby hibernation and it’s glorious!Today is ...

What I’m Cooking for Shabbat

I am actually really excited about our Shabbat dinner tonight. I am trying out some new recipes, and experimenting with ...

Broken Bundt Chocolate Mousse Trifle

I always advise people never to try new things when you are bringing something or hosting a meal. And what ...

Outsourcing My Daugher’s Birthday Party

After our daughter was born, the number of people who told us “it goes by soooo fast” was too many ...

Berry Crumble Pie

A perfect non-dairy pie for summer berry season.

Happy Birthday to the Ultimate Nosher

Last year at this time, well, I was significantly larger as you can see. Our daughter was due to arrive ...