Rori Picker Neiss

Rori Picker Neiss is the Director of Programming, Education, and Community Engagement at Bais Abraham Congregation in St. Louis Missouri, and will be graduating from Yeshivat Maharat in June 2014.


Articles by Rori Picker Neiss

No More Whispers

What can happen when we take mikvah out of the realm of the hidden, and bring it into a space ...

Learning and Re-Learning How to Leyn

This blog post was written shortly after Purim 2013. If you’re reading megillah this year and need help learning the ...

Signing in Solidarity

This piece was submitted on Friday, January 31, 2014. The event took place on Sunday, January 26.—When a couple gets ...

The Violation of Dinah; The Violation of our Society

The following is adapted from the drasha (sermon) delivered by Rori Picker Neiss at Bais Abraham Congregation, St Louis, MO ...

Potluck Minyan in Brooklyn Hosts its 6th Megillah Reading

I took a deep breath and looked around the room. There were more faces looking back at me than I ...
