Rabbi Dan Ornstein

Rabbi Dan Ornstein is the rabbi of Congregation Ohav Shalom and a writer living with his family in Albany, New York, where he also teaches Judaic Studies at the Hebrew Academy of The Capital District. Rabbi Ornstein is the author of Cain v. Abel: A Jewish Courtroom Drama (Jewish Publication Society 2020). He blogs at the Times Of Israel, writes monthly for WAMC Northeast Public Radio and he has contributed essays to The Forward, the Jerusalem Post, and the Lehrhaus. Rabbi Ornstein has also published essays and poetry for the Mesorah Matrix series on Judaism, at the Journal of Conservative Judaism, the CCAR Journal of Reform Judaism, the Jewish Literary Journal, and the Pine Hills Review. He and his wife, Marian Alexander, are the proud parents of Joseph, Shulamit and Vered.


Articles by Rabbi Dan Ornstein

Bava Batra 9

The naked and the hungry.

Bava Metzia 75

Interest and self-interest.

Bava Kamma 117

Rabbi Yohanan, wounding healer.

Bava Kamma 30

A pious ounce of prevention.

Kiddushin 34

Exceptions to the exemption.

Gittin 55

Returning a stolen beam.

Gittin 35

Widows cry out for justice.
