Michael Feldberg

Michael Feldberg, Ph.D. is executive director of the George Washington Institute for Religious Freedom. From 1991 to 2004, he served as executive director of the American Jewish Historical Society, the nation's oldest ethnic historical organization, and from 2004 to 2008 was its director of research.

Articles by Michael Feldberg

The American Jewish Historical Society

The AJHS was founded to document the many contributions Jews have made in America.

Rabbi Gittelsohn’s Iwo Jima Sermon

A rabbi's eulogy for World War II heroes became famous after a bigoted attempt to ban it.

History of American Jewish Free Loan Societies

A group of Jewish women from Seattle began this community micro-lending effort.

Mickey Marcus: Israel’s American General

After a distinguished career in military and public service to the United States, Marcus helped Israel win its War of Independence.

Haym Salomon: Revolutionary Broker

Haym Salomon played a significant role in saving the newly established United States from financial ruin and was a prominent part of Jewish community affairs.

Passover Seders During the Civil War

For American Jewry during the Civil War, the Passover story was especially powerful. However, creating a seder in a war zone requires flexibility and creativity.

Lane Bryant Malsin: Fashion Revolutionary

Lane Bryant Malsin started a small business and became a famous fashion designer who made millions, but she was always involved in Jewish philanthropic work.

Benjamin Cardozo, Jewish Justice

Justice Cardozo's background as a Sephardic Jew shaped his entire career.

Russian Jewish Immigration to Mexico

In 1887, Mexico announced it would accept 5,000 Russian Jews if they were willing to settle uncultivated land owned by the government.

Judah Touro: American Jewish Philanthropist

Judah Touro set the standard for Jewish American philanthropy by generously donating money to synagogues and other Jewish organizations.