Melanie Weiss

Articles by Melanie Weiss

I AM: Trans People Speak

As October moves on into November, we move from LGBT Month into Trans Awareness Month, culminating in Transgender Day of Remembrance. ...

The Jewish Organization Equality Index Launches!

A new report on LGBT inclusion in the Jewish community was just released and it’s already making waves. The Jewish Organization ...

Marriage Equality: So What Happened?!

“Justice, Justice shall you pursue,” exhorts Deuteronomy. Today, we woke up in a more just nation, as the four states ...

The Tachlis of Inclusion: Beth El Synagogue Center

Creating inclusive Jewish spaces is a great goal — but how do you do it? While the answer is likely ...

Don’t Touch that Dial! It’s a Round-Up of LGBT Jewish Election News

Election fever is heating up as we head into the final stretch of the 2012 election season. Here is a ...

Who are you inviting into your Sukkah this year?

During the holiday of Sukkot, it’s customary to invite honored guests into our homes and sukkot, the festival huts we ...

Celebrate Bisexuality Day!

It seemed obvious to me that Celebrate Bisexuality Day is supposed be a celebration and featuring a list of notable ...

Back to School: Guides for Creating Safe Space for LGBT Jewish Youth

It’s September and students across the country have headed back to school for a new year. But are they heading ...

Yom Kippur — A Different Read

The High Holidays are nearly upon us, and while it’s wonderful to carve out time for reflection, contemplation and community, ...

Tachlis of Inclusion: Rabbi Robyn Fryer Bodzin and the Israel Center for Conservative Judaism

With the High Holidays approaching, and major spiritual heavy lifting to be done, it’s an especially important time of year ...